Credits and References

The Levenmouth Discovery Trails would not have been possible without the help from the community of Levenmouth who came together to make this incredible project happen. Hours of meetings, research, photography, walking, wheeling and recording went into these trails.

They are an ongoing project and things will change. These trails are not the end, but the start of our special Levenmouth journey.

Special Thanks to...

It would be impossible to name everybody involved in this project; over three hundred people have contributed information, photos and ideas to these trails. However, there a few special people who must be mentioned.

The biggest thanks on this project goes to Simplicity Marketing. Their ability to create this software from scratch and work with us as we figured things out has been incredible. Michael, Josh and Amy have been working tirelessly to make this website function and look good. 

The Levenmouth Heritage Partnership – to everyone to attended our meetings – THANK YOU

History and Heritage is not always an easy topic. What should be included? How do tell the story? That’s why we created this group; an opportunity for community members, stakeholders and experts to come together and figure it out. A number of meetings were held. Special mention goes to:

Mary Reilly, Methil History Group – local historian and community campaigner, catch her at Methil Heritage Centre most days

Phil Richardson, Archaeology Scotland – expert on anything really really old. And maps

Priya Logan, Largo Communities Together – for bringing the Largo communities, umm, together, to gather the information 

Robbie Blyth and Fife Coast and Countryside Trust – for their expertise in access, signage and for keeping the Fife Coastal Path at it’s best

Alistair Donald, community member – his love and passion for Letham Glen has created an immersive, timeless tour

Gail Green & Dora Roden – the experts on Largo History and passionate about sharing it

Jan Kerr, Homelands Trust – for her support in accessibility and pathway knowledge

Andy Duff – for adding extras on to the trails and being a sounding board

Fiona Young, Silverburn Park – for your valuable contributions adding to to whole Silverburn Experience

Dave Patterson & Fife Council – for supporting the project and sharing our vision

Brian & BRAG Enterprises – for supporting, facilitating and managing the project on a MACRO level

Mayumi Pointon – for your photos and time spent testing the trails

Sue Oak – for getting this project started

The Levenmouth Local Tourism Association – to everyone who has been involved in the project from the start, thank you

Matt Pointon – for leading on the project, driving it forward, and making it happen

The Voices

All of the voice actors were sourced from Levenmouth and have acting or drama experience.

Jack Elvey – Jack Elvey (@jack.elvey) • Instagram photos and videos

Louise Andrée –

Ryan Smart – he doesn’t have a website, but find him on stage at the Buckhaven Pantomime, usually dressed as a lady

Pauline Abbey – also doesn’t have a website, but knows everything about history and how to tell a good story

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