Methil Heritage Trail

Point 2



Distance (m)


# Steps


Point 2

You’ll need to cross the road when the footpath finishes; please take care.

People have been living in the area now known Levenmouth for over 5,000 years as it was desirable thanks to the river providing fresh water and the soil being fertile; communities have come and gone from these lands; some passing through and some settling.

In fact, the Kingdom of Fife has been one of the richest places in Scotland for centuries thanks to its ability to provide food.

Today Fife is a county but retains the “Kingdom” title officially thanks to its rich history.

Lundin Links3
Standing Stanes
You may have heard of the Standing Stanes at Lundin Links? They’re evidence of a pre-historic settlement here; the stones being used as a calendar to help people plant and harvest crops. Three thousand years later, the Romans also spent time in this area, but it wasn’t until around 500AD when this area become permanently settled.
Wemyss Caves
Those who settled around 1,500 years ago were called the Picts and it was these people who really call Levenmouth their home. And while little is known of the Picts, their story is remembered very close to here in Wemyss Caves with some unique cave carvings. By following the Fife Coastal Path, you can walk to Wemyss Caves in about ninety minutes. On Sundays, free tours are available. Visit the Welcome to Levenmouth website to find out more.
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