Leven to Lower Largo

Point 3



Distance (m)


# Steps


Point 3

Continue along the beach and enjoy the views! Look out for kites flying.

Do you fancy a treasure hunt? Drop down on to the beach and see if you find these ten items! There’s some steps along here, or a ramp on the next car park.

1. Seashell: A unique or colourful seashell that stands out among the others on the shore.
2. Smooth Pebble: A small, smooth pebble that has been shaped by the ocean waves.
3. Feather: A feather from a seabird, like a seagull or a sandpiper.
4. Piece of Driftwood: A small piece of driftwood that has been smoothed by the sea.
5. Seaweed: A piece of seaweed that has washed up on the shore.
6. Crab Shell: An empty crab shell or a crab claw found in the sand or near rock pools.
7. Coloured Glass: A piece of sea glass or a small piece of colourful glass that has been smoothed by the ocean.
8. Footprint in the Sand: Find a footprint in the sand, either from a person, bird, or dog.
9. Small Piece of Rope or String: A short length of rope or string washed up from the sea.
10. Unusual Rock: A rock with an interesting shape or pattern, different from the typical beach stones.

The answer to the riddle? Sand!

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